環境政策 Quality and Environment

進聯工業 (SwitchLab) 進聯工業的主要營業項目為台灣照光式專業按鈕開關、特殊開關、端子台連接器相關產品之製造及銷售;根留台灣,立足大陸,放眼天下,是進聯工業經營目標。 進聯工業除了不斷地創造業績成長,更在技術創新和品質穩定性方面,持續領先亞洲同業大廠。
為落實ISO 14001環境管理系統及OHSAS 18001職業安全衛生管理系統要求,我們承諾遵守以下環安衛政策:
1. 符合法規及其他要求。
2. 污染及傷害與疾病預防。
3. 持續改善。
4. 全員參與。
5. 落實環境安全衛生管理。
◎ 符合法規及其他要求:本公司所有活動、產品、設施及服務,將確實遵守適用的環境及職業安全衛生法規以及公司必需遵守的其他要求事項。
◎ 持續改善:致力於製程改善、設施改善及清潔生產,以減少廢棄物之產出及杜絕工安事件。
◎ 污染及傷害與疾病預防:致力於綠色設計、使用綠色材料、清潔生產製程,以達到污染預防;並徹底做好垃圾分類及廢棄物回收再利用,以降低對環境之衝擊;著重作業環境的安全及員工健康的管理。
◎ 全員參與:讓每位員工加入,以創造一個更安全衛生及環保的工作場所。
◎ 落實環境安全衛生管理:藉由環境衝擊評估、危害鑑別與風險管理、教育訓練、作業管制、緊急應變準備與演 練,以預防廢氣、廢水、廢棄物等污染,及杜絕工安、環保等意外事件發生。
We pursue market leadership position in supplying products and solutions including illuminated pushbutton, special pushbutton, terminal block related products in the field of electrical distribution, industrial automation and control to the worldwide market. To make long stay of core base in Taiwan, proceed in expanding in Mainland China and foresee the future around the world is SwitchLab’s operation objective. In addition to continuously create the sales growth, SwitchLab holds a sustainable dominance in technological innovation and quality stability among the Asia competitors annually.
Based on the social and environmental responsibility, we insist on the quality operation beliefs including paramount quality, superior product, and service satisfaction. And during the process to pursue permanent operation, we take into account the both the environmental and safety health management as the key of operation strategy through the aggressive mentality, totally and systematically promoting and auditing the environmental and safety health management activities.
To carry out the requirements of ISO 14001 the environmental management system and OHSAS 18001. We make a commitment in compliance with the following :
Compliant with the relevant laws and other requirements.
Pollution, injury, and disease prevention.
Continuous improvement.
Total participation.
Carry out the environmental, safety and health management.
SwitchLab’s statements about Environmental, Safety & Health policies are shown as follow:
◎ Compliant with the relevant laws and other requirements:all the activities, products, facilities, and services would be in compliant with the appropriate OHSAS legislation and follow any other obligation.
Continuous improvement:we are engaged in improving the process improvement, infrastructure, and clean production.
Pollution, injury, and disease prevention:dedicated in green design, usage of green materials, and clean production to attain the pollution prevention. Besides, executed the garbage categorization and recycling as well as reuse of waste to reduce the impact on environment and focus on the employee’s safety and health in operating environments.
Total participation:allow every employee to properly involve the business and create a safer health and environmental working spot.
Carry out the environmental, safety and health management:By way of environmental impact assessment, jeopardy identification, risk management, professional training, operation control, emergent reaction preparation and practice, we can exactly get rid of the waste gas, waste solution, and other waste pollution and impede any industrial safety and environmental issue or accident.
The above statements illuminated by SwitchLab will be continuously declared and announced to all the employees or representatives recruited and propagate to the public.